On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 1:52 PM Robert M. Münch
<robert.mue...@saphirion.com> wrote:
> I know all about the problems of FP comparison, and yes I know that I need to 
> provide more information. What makes me suspicious is, that I have a bunch of 
> equivalent tests before the failing one, and all pass. I still believe in the 
> determinism of programs. Hence, this is all really strange.
> I run the C test code (without any Go) in GDB and the values are correctly 
> set. This is how the data looks before the call, setting the correct values:
> 804       YGNodeCalculateLayout(root, YGUndefined, YGUndefined, 
> YGDirectionLTR);
> (gdb) p root.layout_.dimensions
> $9 = {
>   _M_elems = {nan(0x400000), nan(0x400000)}
> }
> and this is after the call:
> (gdb) p root.layout_.dimensions
> $13 = {
>   _M_elems = {320, 10}
> }
> I write a C wrapper function, that outputs the return value just before it's 
> returned and makes its way through the Go FFI. Here is the output before the 
> call:
> YGNodeLayoutGetWidth: 1.#QNAN0  7FC00000
> YGNodeLayoutGetHeight: 1.#QNAN0 7FC00000
> and after the call
> YGNodeLayoutGetWidth: 320.000000        43A00000
> YGNodeLayoutGetHeight: 1000000020040877300000.000000    6258D727
> So, why are the values before the call are different in C and the C side 
> within the Go program? I mean why once 0x400000 and 0x7FC00000? I would have 
> expected that the C code behaves the same.
> And as you can see the 320 is set in both cases, but the expected 10 is a 
> totally screwed up floating-point value.
> Could this be an alignment problem? Does CGO add some wrapping code, which 
> does some strange things?
> Unfortunately, I didn't find a way, how I can enter the C code from a 
> debugger when using the Go binary. Looks like there is no C debug information 
> available.

cgo adds multiple wrapping functions.

I don't know what the problem is here.  I can imagine several
different possibilities.  Show us the code, and we won't have to
guess.  Thanks.


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