I understand the difference, but that doesn't prevent me from having to 
choose between the two implementations.  To simplify greatly, and as you 
pointed out in your reply, there is a tension between "simplicity" 
(non-generic) and "performance" (generic), and that is where I fear the 
friction will come from. 

Looking beyond the syntax, the code for both implementations expresses 
exactly the same thing.  So in a way it is the syntax that forces the 
choice to be made at the time the function is written.  What I would like 
is not to have to make the choice at the time that I write the function, 
but perhaps this wish is impossible given the current Go syntax.


On Sunday, 27 December 2020 at 17:32:48 UTC k.alex...@gmail.com wrote:

> Since in this case the use of generics doesn't let you do anything new, I 
> would argue that the KISS principle applies and the non-generic version 
> should be preferred.
> I think a linter can be added to go vet to warn about instances like this 
> one (where the type parameter can be replaced by the type bound) to 
> encourage simplicity.
> But as Ian pointed out, in the version that takes a slice argument, using 
> generics does allow you to do something you couldn't do otherwise (without 
> reallocating the contents of the slice to effect a "cast" to []Stringer). 
> In this case using generics actually makes the caller's job simpler and 
> improves performance by avoiding the need for reallocation.
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 4:23 AM Arnaud Delobelle <arn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In my opinion, the issue is that there are two ways to express (almost) 
>> the same thing and that in itself creates friction in the language.
>> There may be a valid reason to choose one version over the other, but 
>> every time it will be necessary to review the pros and cons of each 
>> alternative.
>> If we could have "generics" without having to make this choice it would 
>> unblock the whole thing as far as I am concerned.
>> Cheers
>> On Sun, 27 Dec 2020, 05:25 K. Alex Mills, <k.alex...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> While it depends on the final generics implementation, my understanding 
>>> of how things stand now is that Print would compile down to a separate 
>>> chunk of binary for each type T that is used. For instance, if you used 
>>> Print[A] and Print[B] in your code, they would each refer to separate 
>>> binary implementations in which T is replaced by A and B, respectively.
>>> Printi does not do this, so you should see a smaller binary. 
>>> IIRC, Printi also has to do a bit of work to lookup the Stringer method 
>>> on the type inhabiting the interface. I don't think that creates a 
>>> significant performance hit, but I might be understating the overhead of 
>>> interface dispatch. A benchmark would help here (alas, I am on my phone).
>>> With respect for the concerns mentioned above, I don't see an argument 
>>> for preferring Print over Printi. However, there may other concerns which I 
>>> am unaware of.
>>> On Sat, Dec 26, 2020, 9:58 PM Elliot <z11...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> If we remove slice from OP's example:
>>>> https://go2goplay.golang.org/p/KSJpRw1Lrmm
>>>> func Print[T Stringer](s T) {
>>>>     fmt.Print(s.String())
>>>> }
>>>> func Printi(s Stringer) {
>>>>     fmt.Print(s.String())
>>>> }
>>>> Are these two equivalent? When should one be chosen over the other?
>>>> On Thursday, 24 December 2020 at 04:41:16 UTC+8 Henrik Johansson wrote:
>>>>> Why will interfaces be more idiomatic once generics lands? It remains 
>>>>> to be seen I guess but I could very well see the other way become the 
>>>>> idiom.
>>>>> On Wed, 23 Dec 2020, 21:20 wilk, <wi...@flibuste.net> wrote:
>>>>>> On 23-12-2020, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
>>>>>> > On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 9:54 AM wilk <wi...@flibuste.net> wrote:
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> https://go2goplay.golang.org/p/fTW3hJYNgfU
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> type Stringer interface {
>>>>>> >>    String() string
>>>>>> >> }
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Print[T Stringer](s []T)
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Print(s []Stringer)
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> Both forms works.
>>>>>> >> How to prevent double way to do the same things that can be 
>>>>>> confusing ?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Both forms work but they mean two different things.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Print(s []Stringer) takes a slice of the type Stringer.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Print[T Stringer](s []T) takes a slice of some type T, where T
>>>>>> > implements Stringer.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > For example, if MyInt implements Stringer, and I have a []MyInt, 
>>>>>> then
>>>>>> > I can call Print[T Stringer](s []T) but I can't call Print(s
>>>>>> > []Stringer), because a []Stringer is not a []MyInt.
>>>>>> I understand the differences. But i'm affraid someone who never used
>>>>>> Go before will use type parameters instead of interface which is more
>>>>>> idiomatic i think.
>>>>>> I mean it will be difficult to say, you could use type parameters but
>>>>>> you should use interface, or something like that...
>>>>>> I'm speaking about ease of learn Go2.
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> wilk
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