Thread safety, concurrency safety, goroutines safety. The same stuff to me. 

It's important that concurrent goroutines don't interfere with each other 
in such a way that internal state is compromised by other goroutines. 
Typically through access to internal data, through pointers. If only go 
channels are used to communicate between goroutines, than that case is 
closed. That's one of the reasons they exist - also in other similar 
languages, with that aspect often based on CSP.

But then, goroutines may communicate in a circle, the smallest would be two 
sending to each other and awaiting answer from each other at the "same" 
time. A system would easily freeze from this point and out. This would 
cause deadlock, which is pathological. Using deadlock free patterns may 
solve that problem from the beginning, provided such a pattern is used 

Finally(?), one goroutine could be busy by itself, or by communicating with 
others, so that it is not able to read vital messages from other 
goroutines, ever. This would be a livelock. 

I think go comes with a tool [1] that would help for some of these types of 
problems. I have not tested it myself, since I use another, embedded 
concurrent language. But I do read these mail lists every time they come, 
so I try to learn what this community is up to.

There would be ways whereby one could model concurrent programs as well. 
Lots of modelling languages exist. Myself I have to some extent used CSPm 
(with the FDR tool), FSP (with the LTSA tool) and Promela (with the Spin 


torsdag 26. november 2020 kl. 03:55:06 UTC+1 skrev Ian Lance Taylor:

> On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 6:13 PM Alexey Dvoretskiy
> <> wrote:
> >
> > How would you cal "thread-safety" in Go? Go doesn't have threads so the 
> term "thread-safety" sounds bit off.
> The standard library says things like "Multiple goroutines may invoke
> methods on a Conn simultaneously" (from
> Terms like "thread safety" can come with various caveats and
> restrictions, so it's usually best to avoid just saying "thread safe"
> in general purpose documentations. Better to try to say more
> precisely what is and what is not supported.
> Ian

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