On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 9:39 PM Denis Telyukh <telyukh.de...@gmail.com>

> 1. Got some stuck requests
> 2. netstat -atp
> tcp       25      0 dionysius-pc:52340      server-52-85-47-1:https
> CLOSE_WAIT  1364/brave --type=u
> tcp       25      0 dionysius-pc:40296      server-13-33-240-:https
> CLOSE_WAIT  1364/brave --type=u
> 3. A few second later netstat doesn't show any non-empty queues
> 4. But requests continue to hang (it will be endless)

The `netstat` command does not show "non-empty queues". It shows
connections that exist between processes on your system and remote systems.
The fact "a few second later netstat doesn't show any non-empty queues"
means that your system has no open connections. Also, what platform (OS)
are you using? The `netstat -atp` command makes no sense on macOS or Linux.

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