> On 20 Oct 2020, at 4:13 pm, Tamás Gulácsi <tgulacs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Use bytes.Buffer or strings.Builder directly - no need for the bufio.Writer.
> bufio.Writer only speeds up writing by calling the underlying Writer less, 
> with bigger slices.
> Here you Write into a memory, just as bufio.Writer.
> Also, you can save some allocations by creating the buffer once outside of 
> the loop,
> and Reset() it in each cycle before calling handleCommand.

Thank you, appreciate the suggestions.

> amits...@gmail.com a következőt írta (2020. október 20., kedd, 6:03:31 UTC+2):
> Hi all, Consider the following test configuration: 
> func TestHandleCommand(t *testing.T) { 
> type expectedResult struct { 
> output string 
> err error 
> } 
> type testConfig struct { 
> args []string 
> result expectedResult 
> } 
> testConfigs := []testConfig{ 
> testConfig{ 
> args: []string{"-h"}, 
> result: expectedResult{ 
> err: nil, 
> output: `Expected output`, 
> }, 
> }, 
> } 
> Then, I do this: 
> for _, tc := range testConfigs { 
> byteBuf := new(bytes.Buffer) 
> w := bufio.NewWriter(byteBuf) 
> err := handleCommand(w, tc.args) 
> if tc.result.err == nil && err != nil { 
> t.Errorf("Expected nil error, got %v", err) 
> } 
> if tc.result.err != nil && err.Error() != tc.result.err.Error() { 
> t.Errorf("Expected error %v, got %v", tc.result.err, err) 
> } 
> if len(tc.result.output) != 0 { 
> w.Flush() 
> gotOutput := byteBuf.String() 
> if tc.result.output != gotOutput { 
> t.Errorf("Expected output to be: %v, Got: %v", 
> tc.result.output, gotOutput) 
> } 
> } 
> } 
> } 
> The above pattern works for me since the function may return an error 
> and/or it may have something it writes to the provided writer, w. 
> Is there a more concise way to write this? 
> Thanks, 
> Amit. 
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