Thanks a lot. It is working now. After giving the API link it is making the 
request to the specified one only. Thank you for the help.

On Sunday, 27 September 2020 at 22:45:01 UTC+5:30 wrote:

> mind: there are more well-known locations, they are just not as common as 
> the favicon call, so you might just want to be specific on where you expect 
> your API calls and only listen on that.
>   *Joop Kiefte* - Chat @ Spike 
> <>
> [image: pb5kd]
> On September 27, 2020 at 17:13 GMT, Joop Kiefte <> wrote:
> probably the best solution is to use the handlers and not listen on any 
> other link than your API links, then the favicon request won't hit your 
> service. You don't even really have to return a 200, just make sure you 
> don't answer to favicon.ico requests the very least.
>   *Joop Kiefte* - Chat @ Spike 
> <> [image: 
> pb5j9]
> On September 27, 2020 at 16:28 GMT, smartaq <> wrote:
> Thank you for the reply. Is there anyway to stop it completely or its the 
> default behavior of all the browsers. It is an api and not any web page due 
> to which adding a meta tag is not possible i think so. 
> I've checked on google, and people are just returning a 200 status, when 
> browser ask for favicon, in case of api's so that at least error should not 
> return. 
> On Friday, 25 September 2020 at 23:16:55 UTC+5:30 wrote:
>> The browser tries to put a nice icon to the side of the link. Usually 
>> this can be accomplished with a meta tag, but the browser also tries the 
>> well-known location favicon.ico to retrieve it if there is no meta-tag. 
>> That's why you see two requests.
>>   *Joop Kiefte* - Chat @ Spike 
>> <> [image: 
>> p7hpq]
>> On September 25, 2020 at 17:34 GMT, gaurav <> wrote:
>> First request must be OPTION and second must be GET/ POST , This is 
>> default browser behaviour.
>> On Friday, 25 September 2020 at 15:22:27 UTC+5:30 
>> wrote:
>>> Team,
>>> Hi all, hope you are doing good.
>>> I've made a hosted a small api on my windows 10 enterprise machine:
>>> ```
>>> func main() {
>>>     srv := &http.Server{Addr: ":8000", Handler: http.HandlerFunc(handle)}
>>>    log.Fatal(srv.ListenAndServeTLS("certificate.crt", "certificate.key"))
>>> }
>>> func handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
>>>     // Log the request protocol
>>>     log.Printf("Got connection: %s", r.Proto)
>>>    // Send a message back to the client
>>>     w.Write([]byte("Hello"))
>>> }
>>> ```
>>> The moment I call this api using different browsers(IE/Chrome)(
>>> https://localhost:8000) or curl request I receive these kind of outputs:
>>>    1. In browser I receive "Hello" which is correct
>>>    2. In golang console prompt I get this log twice: 
>>>    With TLS:
>>>    [image: Capture.PNG]
>>>    Without TLS:
>>>    [image: Capture.PNG]
>>>    [image: Capture.PNG]
>>>    3. But, while making a curl request I get this log & only once: 
>>>    [image: Capture.PNG]
>>> What is the difference between point 2 & 3. I've tried both tls and non 
>>> tls version with browsers but in both the cases logs are coming twice. I 
>>> don't know why this favicon.ico call is going.
>>> Am I missing something here. Please help. Thank you
>> -- 
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