I understood perfectly now, thanks for the explanations and the link! I 
really appreciate you guys!

On Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 3:28:10 AM UTC+3 Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 1:10 AM cs.ali...@gmail.com
> <cs.ali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I am not actually questioning the current design, as you both said it is 
> not a good practice to call a return statement as I wrote above, I am 
> trying to understand the relation between memory, interface and order of 
> evaluation. It is clear that the compiler takes account of whether a return 
> statement is an interface or a struct and the memory size of the returned 
> value, If I return a struct rather than an interface, it changes the order, 
> If I add fields to the structs it changes the order. Is there a paper that 
> I can find why the compiler considers them for ordering, why it is 
> important for performance or anything else?
> I'm not aware of any paper specific to the Go compiler.
> I find it most useful to consider a compiler as creating a set of
> constraints derived from the input based on the language semantics.
> These are constraints like in "a = b; b = c" the read of b in the
> first assignment must be completed before the store to b in the second
> assignment. Once the set of constraints is created, the compiler must
> solve those constraints given an instruction architecture including a
> set of registers. The goal is to optimize execution time while
> minimizing compilation time without violating any constraints.
> Because compilation time matters, compilers do not fully analyze all
> possible solutions; instead, when it comes to things like memory
> load/store order, instruction selection, and register allocation, they
> are full of heuristics that tend to give good results in practice.
> When you view a compiler in that way, a question like "why does adding
> fields to a struct change the order of memory loads and stores"
> becomes uninteresting. The reason has to do with the details of all
> the constraints that applied while compiling that particular package.
> There is no rule that says "if the struct has more fields, do this."
> It's just that the set of heuristics happened to produce a particular
> result. Changing some other piece of code in some other part of the
> package might produce a different result. Or a different version of
> the compiler might apply different heuristics and get different
> results.
> Ian

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