Hi Andi,

> 1) I cannot do go install tools.go:

go install takes main packages as arguments, so no, this will not
work. The tools.go file (like the example you present) is simply a way
of declaring a dependency on a main package through a file that will
never be built (hence the +build tools constraint). Even though this
file is, in normal operation, ignored by all build commands (go build,
go install etc) it _is_ seen by go mod tidy (which ignores build
constraints). Hence the requirement is considered when collating the
main module's requirements.

> instead I need to duplicate each tool installation in the Makefile

If you want to install these commands then yes, this needs to happen
somewhere (could even be a go:generate step)

However, you can simply go run $mainpkg and this will work (see below)

> 2) The internal tools are currently not installed in invoked during build:

Per my suggestion above, this is my preferred mechanism. It avoids any
unnecessary steps of ensuring the correct GOBIN, PATH etc.

> //go:generate go run ../cmd/tools/decorate.go ...
> This fails during cross-build:
> GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm make
> go install github.com/mjibson/esc
> go install github.com/golang/mock/mockgen
> Generating embedded assets
> go generate ./...
> ...
> fork/exec 
> /var/folders/pm/q2g_c0vn1hb414nqwdcsv4fm0000gn/T/go-build741389459/b001/exe/decorate:
>  exec format error
> charger/evsewifi.go:57: running "go": exit status 1
> fork/exec 
> /var/folders/pm/q2g_c0vn1hb414nqwdcsv4fm0000gn/T/go-build892585922/b001/exe/decorate:
>  exec format error
> meter/meter.go:16: running "go": exit status 1
> I've looked at https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Build_constraints but couldn't 
> find a description of best practices or even mention of +built tools.

I'm not sure how you are getting into this situation, because go run
will build a binary for the platform on which cmd/go is running.

Unless you have GOOS and GOARCH set, in which case the go run during
the go generate phase will be building for potentially a different


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