
I think that I discovered a bug in the stdlib flag package:

    sharedFlag := "init-value"
    fooFs := flag.NewFlagSet("foo", flag.ContinueOnError)
    barFs := flag.NewFlagSet("bar", flag.ContinueOnError)
    fooFs.StringVar(&sharedFlag, "baz", "foo-default", "testing")
    barFs.StringVar(&sharedFlag, "baz", "bar-default", "testing")
    _ = fooFs.Parse([]string{""}) // no error
    fmt.Println(*sharedFlag) // bar-default, instead of foo-default

To quote @peterbourgon on this issue 

> Haha! This is a bug (?) with stdlib flag.FlagSet. 
> The default value provided to e.g. fs.StringVar isn't kept as metadata 
associated with the flag in the corresponding flagset, but is rather 
assigned to the associated variable. And that assignment happens at 
declaration time, when you call fs.StringVar, and not when you call 
fs.Parse. So the default value you see in any flag set will be the default 
value provided to whichever StringVar declaration happens to occur last — 
in your test, it's this one.
> This sucks.
> I think the only fix here would be, somehow, avoiding assigning a default 
value in the declaration, and populating it later. Or defining a separate 
e.g. DeferredFlagVar type that encapsulated this behavior? I don't know 
offhand what's best. Ugh.

I never contributed to the go repo yet, so I prefer to ask here your 
opinion about this strange behavior, what you suggest in term of fix that 
does not require to touch the stdlib, and if you think that I need to issue 
a bug on the go repo and try to contribute a fix?

Thank you,

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