thank you

четверг, 3 сентября 2020 г., 13:13:59 UTC+3 пользователь Brian Candler 
> On Thursday, 3 September 2020 10:15:29 UTC+1, Emilius Omeen wrote:
>> pkg "regexp" not have function which allow many group replace, only have 
>> ReplaceAllString 
> If I just take the examples you posted at the start, I can do that with a 
> single ReplaceAllString:
> I think the original problem definition doesn't explain why it needs more 
> than this - maybe you need some more test cases.
> You might find Expand <> / 
> ExpandString or ReplaceAllStringFunc useful.
> Note that you can write your original regexp with capture groups to 
> distinguish which branch matched:
> r := regexp.MustCompile(`(^9(\d{10})$)|(^00(.*)$)|(^\+(.*))`)
>                          ^  ^          ^   ^      ^   ^
>                         $1 $2         $3  $4     $5  $6
> Using ...Submatch or ...SubmatchIndex, you can identify which of the 
> branches matched.  If your regexp matches the first alternative, $1 (and 
> $2) will be set.  If it matches the second alternative, $3 (and $4) will be 
> set.  And so on.

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