On Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 2:19:31 PM UTC-4, simon place wrote:

>  * fmt.Printf(%w) is just to add more text to an error, because errors are 
> immutable its needed.(unless you have custom error types and are local to 
> them, then you could just edit their state.)

There is more to  fmt.Errorf(%w) than " just to add more text". Sure, it 
creates static error text that contains the wrapped error's text. But it 
also creates a true wrapped error. See https://play.golang.org/p/EH-XoZGneMj

If you have not already, I suggest reading 


> * custom wrapping types, unlike fmt.Printf(%w), create error 'classes' for 
> testing against and have utilities to help deal with unknown depths of 
> wrapping.
> since i was only dealing with one level, i probably should have avoided 
> wrapping entirely, but now i know!
> this does seem as if its a pattern that might come up elsewhere, so good 
> to understand clearly (unless i'm still off about something above).
> thanks for help.

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