On Aug 20, 2020, at 20:27, Ian Lance Taylor <i...@golang.org> wrote:
> 1.
> We’re going to settle on square brackets for the generics syntax.
> We’re going to drop the “type” keyword before type parameters, as
> using square brackets is sufficient to distinguish the type parameter
> list from the ordinary parameter list.  To avoid the ambiguity with
> array declarations, we will require that all type parameters provide a
> constraint.  This has the advantage of giving type parameter lists the
> exact same syntax as ordinary parameter lists (other than using square
> brackets).  To simplify the common case of a type parameter that has
> no constraints, we will introduce a new predeclared identifier “any”
> as an alias for “interface{}”.
> The result is declarations that look like this:
> type Vector[T any] []T
> func Print[T any](s []T) { … }
> func Index[T comparable](s []T, e T) { … }
> We feel that the cost of the new predeclared identifier “any” is
> outweighed by the simplification achieved by making all parameter
> lists syntactically the same: as each regular parameter always has a
> type, each type parameter always has a constraint (its meta-type).
> Changing “[type T]” to “[T any]” seems about equally readable and
> saves one character.  We’ll be able to streamline a lot of existing
> code in the standard library and elsewhere by replacing “interface{}”
> with “any”.

Resounding “yes” from me. I like this a lot. Good choice.

The rest also sounds good (I think; I may be misunderstanding some of the bits 
about type switches but I think it sounds good), but #1 in particular should 
hopefully end the bikeshedding because it seems a good all-around compromise to 

- DavE

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