Go can already pass/pipe the result of a function, which returns multiple 
values, to another function, which accepts the same values as arguments. A 
similar mechanism can be used for handling errors, by passing/pipe them to 
a special construct.

Now, assume we have a function named funcCtx:

func funcCtx() (res int, err error) { 
    // ...

Having that, these does not look that ugly:

func funcCtx() (res int, err error) {
    res, return() = action()
    // or
    res, panic() = action()

Those statements will have an effect, only if the returned value is not 
nil. For performing some actions, before the actual return or panic:

res, return({ log.Println(err) }) = action()

There is this restriction, that the function that contains this block, 
funcCtx, has to return named return values - for both handling the zero 
values and having a one to one mapping between its return values and those 
of action function.

Also for having a name, err in this case, that makes it clear, which 
variable we are talking about.

In the proposal 
it's not clear where the err variable comes from (what if there are three 
return values?)

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