If they are on the same subnet why not prohibit incoming traffic on the TCP 
port used by the gRPC at the router for the subnet using a simple firewall - 
the traffic DoS traffic must be hitting the router first (because that is where 
the TTL reduction would occur anyway)

> On Jul 23, 2020, at 11:51 AM, Matthew Walster <matt...@walster.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, 22 Jul 2020 at 23:30, Robert Engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
>> Your network is setup wrong... if you are relying on a router to enforce ttl 
>> decrement for security. You can more easily prevent IP spoofing on the local 
>> net (or at the router) and then just verify the IP network portion is 
>> correct. Easier with a simple IP table rather than doing it in user space. 
> Robert,
> I'm a network engineer by trade, I use TTL security (through GTSM) on a 
> regular basis with BGP. This code would be running on a white box switch that 
> would be connected to a central concentrator.
> I'm open to suggestions for alternative ways of preventing that connection 
> from being DoSed.
> Matthew Walster

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