Notwithstanding a concise unambiguous alternative, I would rather type 
parameters "stick out" so they are easily identified when visually scanning 
through code.  I read a lot more code than I write, even as I write Go 

Here are two playgrounds (that don't format/run) comparing a generic hash 
table implementation using [[T]] vs. [T], based on a code sample by Matt 
 I don't think [[T]] is offensive to the surrounding code, and would love 
to know what more people think.  I'm happy to see generics progressing in 
Go and can't wait to use it either way.

[[T]] --
[T] --


On Thursday, 16 July 2020 at 13:19:10 UTC-7 Carla Pfaff wrote:

> Generics are not the most important part of the language/code. Let's not 
> make them stick out like a sore thumb.
> On Thursday, 16 July 2020 at 22:12:17 UTC+2 jpap wrote:
>> On Thursday, 16 July 2020 at 12:51:03 UTC-7 Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 12:41 PM joshua harr <> wrote: 
>>> > Just a note on your rationale for why not to use <: :> : 
>>> > "... requires more typing." Golang has, rather famously, never shied 
>>> away from making developers type more. The reason it hasn't, as far as I 
>>> understand, is that code is read far often than it is written, and so the 
>>> extra verbosity is worth the ease in reading the code. IMHO, that principle 
>>> very much applies here. The *readability* of the syntax should be a far 
>>> more important consideration than whether there is an extra character in 
>>> the syntax. 
>>> That's a fair point. Having two characters is still in my mind a 
>>> disadvantage, but I agree that that disadvantage could be outweighed 
>>> by a gain in readability. 
>>> That said, personally I don't find <:T:> to be any more (or less) 
>>> readable than [T]. 
>>> Ian 
>> I agree that readability should be a big consideration.
>> The problem with [T] is that you need to actively read the surrounding 
>> code to discern between a possible array access or type parameter.  I would 
>> prefer it to be immediately obvious so that visually scanning through code 
>> is as fast and clear as can be.
>> An alternative syntax to [T] that could enable "quick looks" is [[T]]. 
>>  It would be nice to use <<T>>, but that has parsing ambiguities with the 
>> existing bit-shift operator, just as <T> is ambiguous with the comparison 
>> operator.
>> The burden of typing the same character twice on a keyboard in quick 
>> succession for [[T]] is more or less the same as the single-character 
>> version [T] and less so than two-character delimiters like <: and :>, and 
>> especially those delimiters that require the shift-key in play at the same 
>> time.
>> jpap

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