I tried to state a path relative to the home directory, since in the 
context I am writing for the path from ~ to the Git repository will be 
consistent, though the meaning of ~ may change based on user. A snippet:

const specPath = "~/trunk/infra/metadata/config.cfg"
absPath, _ := filepath.Abs(specPath)                                     
if err := readJSONPb(absPath, &s); err != nil {                          
    fmt.Printf("specPath is %s, or as absolute %s\n", specPath, absPath)
    return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "extracting tests from spec").Err()
However, this produces this output:
specPath is ~/trunk/infra/metadata/config.cfg, or as absolute 
extracting tests from spec: read JSON pb: open 
/home/jkop/trunk/infra/~/trunk/infra/metadata/config.cfg: no such file or 

This is a) surprising, since I would expect a platform-sensitive absolute 
path function to deal with platform-global shortcuts like ~, and b) 
completely undocumented. The docs say that "Abs returns an absolute 
representation of path. If the path is not absolute it will be joined with 
the current working directory to turn it into an absolute path." It doesn't 
say "If the path is not *rooted*", but "not *absolute*". This is not an 
absolute *representation* but it does specify an absolute path 

What's the process for submitting a change to a core library like this one? 
Ideally, to the code, but I'd settle for making the documentation clearer.

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