* should "embeddable" be one kind of constraints?
* should "has some specified fields" be one kind of constraints?

On Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 11:26:08 AM UTC-4, T L wrote:
> For example, if there is a builtin convertible(from, to) constraint,
> We can define a slice conversion function as
> func Convert(type Ta, Tb converitble(Ta, Tb)) (avs []Ta, _Tb) (bvs []Tb) {
>    bvs = make([]Tb, 0, len(avs)
>    for _, v := range avs {
>       bvs = append(bvs, Tb(v))
>    }
>    return bvs
> }
> We can use it as:
> iValues := Convert([]int{}{1, 2, 3}, interface{}(nil))

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