The method set of a type should be stable. Generic methods make this 

On Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 9:31:53 AM UTC-4, Carsten Orthbandt wrote:
> Hi!
> First, thanks to the Go team for the hard work and the list populace for 
> an extremely low-noise list. Very much appreciated.
> In the recent draft, struct methods with type parameters are explicitly 
> excluded with a note that they might be added later.
> I think I roughly understand the added complexity of having basically 2D 
> type parameters (from the struct type itself and the mehtod).
> However, and I'm really wondering why nobody brought this up, I think this 
> is a language element that would be quite akward to add later.
> Not because syntax would have to change in incompatible ways, but because 
> idiomatic Go will be forced to steer towards global functions for this use 
> case.
> Minimal example:
> Please note that the struct type in this example does not even use type 
> parameters.
> With the method receiver really being just a 0th argument to a method, I 
> don't see why having type params on methods would be such a big challenge.
> Best Regards,
> Carsten

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