* Ian Lance Taylor <i...@golang.org> [200619 00:20]:
> It's an important discussion, but having it on golang-nuts is not working.
> It can continue off-list.

You post a banner within the Go community that is off topic and is
highly controversial (this thread is clear evidence of that).  You then
squelch discussion of the banner itself and the topic of the banner by
other members of the community, while leaving the banner in place.

I claim that the presence of the banner is in clear violation of the
posted Go Community Code of Conduct, and repeat my request for the
removal of the banner.  To quote from the Code of Conduct page:

  Be friendly and welcoming
  Avoid destructive behavior:
    Discussing potentially offensive or sensitive issues; this all too
    often leads to unnecessary conflict.

And from the Pledge:

  ...we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation
  in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for
  everyone, regardless of...[long list of attributes snipped].

The banner is welcoming to some, but clearly unwelcoming to others.
Enough members of this community have expressed that they disagree that
the banner is appropriate in this venue and are offended by its
presence.  The banner has caused, and is still causing, harm to the
community by dividing the community over a topic that is orthogonal to
why this community exists.

I strongly agree that this is an important discussion and also that
having it on golang-nuts is not working.  However, as long as the banner
is posted within the Go community, it is unreasonable to expect the
discussion to not happen within public community spaces.


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