Instead of this:

// Great is a really great function.
     func Great(
         anArg int,// This explains anArg
         anotherArg string,// This explains anotherArg
)(err error){

I'd think that this:

// Great is a really great function.
     func Great(
         anArg int,// This explains anArg
         anotherArg string,// This explains anotherArg
)(err error){

Two arguments why this is not needed and would encourage bad coding practice.

* If the names `anArg` and `anotherArg` don't reveal intention, they are bad names. It should be encouraged to change them to intention revealing names.

* The comment for the whole function should describe the meaning of the parameters, if necessary. This comment is shown by IDEs, comments on parameters are not. It should be encouraged to write complete function comments.


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