For the first example, I always thought the "runtime.KeepAlive" call is 
essential before.
But after reading the explanations from Bryan C. Mills on Slack, I changed 
my mind now.

Bryan C. Mills said: The GC tracks pointers through their original 
allocations — the pointer scan does not care about lexical types, only 
allocation types.

On Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 8:11:49 PM UTC-4, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 6:49 AM T L < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > func String2ByteSlice(str string) (bs []byte) { 
> >     strHdr := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&str)) 
> >     sliceHdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&bs)) 
> > 
> >     // Is it possible that the str value is allocated on stack 
> >     // and the stack grows at this moment, so the address value 
> >     // stored in strHdr.Data will become obsoleted? 
> > 
> >     sliceHdr.Data = strHdr.Data 
> >     sliceHdr.Len = strHdr.Len 
> >     sliceHdr.Cap = strHdr.Len 
> > 
> >     runtime.KeepAlive(&str) 
> > 
> >     return 
> > } 
> Since you are correctly using *reflect.StringHeader, it doesn't matter 
> whether the stack is copied at that moment.  You are pointing at the 
> actual string value, so the pointer will be adjusted.  As far as I can 
> see, this is safe.  (Of course, it's not safe if somebody modifies the 
> contents of the returned []byte.) 
> Ian 

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