(Cross posting with SO 

Hi folks,

We're integrating a Go program with a 3rd party C api, but are getting some 
odd results when working with pointers to pointers to structs. A model of 
the header file looks a bit like this...


typedef struct Books {
 char title[50];
 char author[50];
 char subject[100];
 int book_id;

Book; extern void initbook(Book** b);

With a model implementation like this...

#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 

typedef struct Books {
 char title[50];
 char author[50];
 char subject[100];
 int book_id; 
} Book; 

void initbook(Book** b){ *b = malloc(sizeof(Book));
 strcpy( (*b)->title, "A Book Title"); 

We've tried wrapping the API with a very simple SWIG file which looks like 

%module mytest %{
 #include "./mytest.h" 
%include "./mytest.h"

And call it from a Go main function like this...


package main 
import "fmt" 
import "mytest" 
func main() {
 bookPtr := mytest.NewBook()
 fmt.Printf("title: '%s'\n", bookPtr.GetTitle()) 

However, we've found when we run this we the value being returned from 
GetTitle() is garbled....

> go run ../main.go 
title: '??'

Digging in to the generated C code we found that editing the Book 
constructor to return Book** rather than Book*, and then modifying the 
GetTitle function to receive a Book** instead of Book* things started 
working as expected.

Any hints on how we might configure SWIG to generate a version of the code 
which works for us. without us having to hack what it generates?



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