Hmm, it makes sense. Still, there should be some caching mechanism. If the 
internet connection can't be established, load the dep from the cache.

On Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 1:14:33 PM UTC+6, Volker Dobler wrote:
> On Wednesday, 8 April 2020 18:17:36 UTC+2, Tanmay Das wrote:
>> Is this behavior expected? If it is, why did the go authors make such a 
>> decision? I mean making the internet connectivity a dependency for the 
>> execution of a program sounds counter-productive to me, honestly. :(
> Well, go run does not just execute a program. It compiles
> the program und executes the compiled binary. The execution
> part doesn't need any internet connectivity, but the compilation
> step _might_ need one of some dependencies are not available.
> This is one of the many problems with go run.
> But note that this is the case for each and every language:
> You cannot run Java, C#, Rust, FORTRAN, R, whatnot code
> if dependencies are missing and not retrievable.
> V. 

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