>> I have been using Go to define programs that I compile to web assembly.
>> This works well in general, but I do not yet understanding how to express
>> mermaid graphs (https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/) from Go.
>> [...]

> I don't know mermaid but it sounded interesting so I took a look, and,
> mermaid listens to the page load event and when fired (when the page
> has loaded) it will locate the graphs on the page and transform them to
> svg files.

> (https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/usage)

> Presumably your code runs after the page load event, and mermaid has
> already done its thing by then. You would need to tell mermaid to look
> again for graphs after generating them.

> https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/usage?id=calling-mermaidinit
> looks relevant.

> (Not really Go related, but sending to the list anyway for clarity.)

Exactly the insight I needed. I overlooked the timing of things,
and calling


at the end of my web assembly code does indeed fix my problem.

Thank you for the quick response!



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