It’s just my opinion, and I’m willing to be wrong. :-)

But having TAed a university introductory computer science course that was 
first in C and then in Python (and having had several students who failed when 
it was in C retake in Python and pass with flying colors), I will say that a 
lot of the elements that tripped beginners up in C which were absent in Python 
are present in Go.

Most of those (e.g. separate compilation, static typing, a few other bits of 
arcana) are features that make Go a much more effective systems language than 
Python, but I do feel like it’s probably best to “take the bumpers off” AFTER 
the student knows about loops, variables, functions, etc.

Again, it’s only my point of view, and I do have some biases, but they do have 
some basis.

- Dave

> On Mar 25, 2020, at 17:08, Dan Kortschak <> wrote:
> I don't agree that Go is intrinsically harder than python as a beginner
> programming language. There are things that are subtle, but these can
> largely be avoided in the beginner setting.
> Note that there have been discussions here about using Go as a language
> for teaching beginners, notably this one 
> Dan
>> On Wed, 2020-03-25 at 13:34 -0400, David Riley wrote:
>> If you are already a programmer in another language, the Tour of Go
>> ( is absolutely the best.
>> If you are not already a programmer in another language, I personally
>> don't recommend Go as a first language; it's an excellent language,
>> but I feel that people will do better with it once they already grasp
>> the fundamentals of programming and are ready for something with
>> slightly more arcana.  Python makes a pretty good first language.
>> - Dave
>>> On Mar 25, 2020, at 6:07 AM, Renato Marcandier <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> What's the best course to start with Go?
>>> Regards
>>> RG
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