The go tool works well if you use package import path
as arguments.

On Wednesday, 11 March 2020 20:49:53 UTC+1, Dean Schulze wrote:
> Well here's what I get in my module with a single directory with a single 
> file with a single package called lib:

To be concrete let the module name be dean.schulz/awsome
and containing one folder lib containing package lib.
With this setup the import path of this package lib is

> $ go install lib
> can't load package: package lib is not in GOROOT 
> (/home/dean/bin/go1.14.linux-amd64/go/src/lib)

Try cd' _into_ the lib folder and either
    $ go install
    $ go install  dean.schulz/awsome/lib

> If I add the pwd to my GOPATH (the way things worked before modules) I get:
> $ go install lib
> $GOPATH/go.mod exists but should not

It is either GOPATH or go modules. Don't try mixing stuff. 

If I remove the go.mod file and give it the relative path to a source file 
> it works but doesn't install anything:
> $ go install src/lib/conf.reader.go 

Again: Most subcommands of the go tool work best if
invoked with the "import path" of a package. The import
path with modules is formed like this:
What works very well too is cd'ing into the folder and calling
build, install, test, etc _without_ any arguments.


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