This is a known deficiency of Go's escape analysis, which is recorded in 
this doc:

On Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 5:58:37 AM UTC+8, wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to debug why a byte slice is escaping in my program. I have a 
> small reproducible example here:
> % cat escape.go
> package main
> func main() {
> x := make([]byte, 5)
> y := new([]byte)
> *y = x
> nothing((*y)[3])
> }
> func nothing(b byte) {}
> % go tool compile -m -m -l escape.go
> escape.go:4:11: make([]byte, 5) escapes to heap:
> escape.go:4:11:   flow: x = &{storage for make([]byte, 5)}:
> escape.go:4:11:     from make([]byte, 5) (spill) at escape.go:4:11
> escape.go:4:11:     from x := make([]byte, 5) (assign) at escape.go:4:4
> escape.go:4:11:   flow: {heap} = x:
> escape.go:4:11:     from *y = x (assign) at escape.go:6:5
> escape.go:4:11: make([]byte, 5) escapes to heap
> escape.go:5:10: new([]byte) does not escape
> It seems to me like neither x nor it's backing array should escape, but 
> I'm having trouble figuring out why it's flagged as escaping from the debug 
> output.
> % go version
> go version go1.14 darwin/amd64
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Ethan

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