No need for unsafe:
You can't *modify* the field, but you can read it just fine. In fact,
that's how fmt does it as well:
I suspect you are seeing the error you are seeing because you are either
trying to modify it (calling one of the Set* methods of reflect.Value) or
use reflect.Value.Interface, which I guess isn't allowed because it might
enable you to call methods on that unexported field value and modifying it
or something?
Either way, if you switch on the reflect.Value.Kind() and use the
.String/.Int/.Bool etc., you can read the value at least.

On Sat, Feb 8, 2020 at 9:07 PM Tamás Gulácsi <> wrote:

> 2020. február 8., szombat 20:42:32 UTC+1 időpontban Alexander Mills a
> következőt írta:
>> it looks like this way works:
>> know of any others?
> Yup, that's one - get the address of the field and get that.
> Another is to declare a similar (memory and type-wise) structure with
> exported fields,
> and unsafe-type-cast it:
> --
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