I have the following code:

  3 /*
  4   selinux.go - return the sestatus
  7   The lines below are preamble to the import of "C" -
  8   they should be left untouched
  9 */
 11 // //cgo  linux CFLAGS: -Iinclude -I.
 12 // #cgo pkg-config: libselinux
 13 // #include <selinux/selinux.h>
 14 // #include <selinux/label.h>
 15 // #include <stdlib.h>
 16 // #include <stdio.h>
 17 // #include <sys/types.h>
 18 // #include <sys/stat.h>
 20 import "C"
 21 import (
 22   "fmt"
 23   "net/http"
 24 )
 26 const (
 27   Enforcing  = 1
 28   Permissive = 0
 29   Disabled   = -1
 30 )
 32 func init() {
 33   if len(testFunctionsMap) == 0 {
 34     testFunctionsMap = make(funcPtrMap)
 35   }
 36   testFunctionsMap["selinux"] = SELinuxStatus
 37   initCtr++
 38 }

The program also has several other files all in package main. The init 
functions in those files do get called; this init function doesn't - 
"selinux" never gets added to the testFunctionsMap.

This used to work - I think on 1.9 was the previous version.  I've looked 
at the release notes, and it seems that work has been done on cgo - but I 
can't see anything which might explain this behaviour.  


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