On Friday, December 27, 2019 at 10:36:28 PM UTC-5, Ron Wahler wrote:
> I did look at ReadAll, but it won't return until it sees EOF.  I am trying 
> to find something that would return when the standard read would return. I 
> get the memory part and would manage that. Any other ideas ?

Its unclear to me what the "standard read" is that you are referring to.

There are well established solutions to most networking communication and 
reading scenarios. However, it is not clear to me from your post exactly 
what your specific scenario is. For example what is the protocol? What kind 
of data are you retrieving? How are you defining a "standard read"?

With more information, you will have better luck getting a solution that 
works for your use case. 


> thanks,
> Ron 
> On Friday, December 27, 2019 at 5:11:42 PM UTC-7, Ron Wahler wrote:
>> I am looking for a net.conn standard read that would return a data buffer 
>> the exact size of the read. I am trying to read an unknown amount of byte 
>> data from the connection. With the read i am using I am required to 
>> pre-allocate a buffer and pass that buffer to the read. I am looking for a 
>> read that works more like  the ReadString , but is for a byte slice.
>> // I want something similar to this read that returns the read string 
>> into the message string.
>>  message, err := bufio.NewReader(ServerConn).ReadString('\n')
>>                 if ( err != nil ){
>>                         fmt.Println("RELAY: ERROR:  Reg Message read 
>> err:", err)
>>                         return 
>>                 }
>> // had to preallocate a buffer, but I want a read to return me a buffer 
>> so I don't have to guess how big to make it.
>>  buf := make([]byte, 1024*32)
>>  nBytes, err := Csrc.Read(buf)
>> Is this not possible, I have not seen any examples that would indicate 
>> that there is a standard library that would do something like what I am 
>> looking for.
>> thanks,
>> Ron

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