On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 9:12 AM kr c <xnzm1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://play.golang.org/p/mqpT8XBbeiN
> Hi, Everyone! I'm newbie in go. Help needed.
> As far as I learned, gorutines should pass "value" through channels.
> There's more safe way to handle this kind of stuffs with using waitgroup, 
> context, channels....I thought, "sharing variable reference in gorutine" is 
> dangerous because of problems like transacion issue.
> But what if that value is just single error? Is it still unsafe or may cause 
> panic?
> "longTask" in examples is a task that I can garantee it will eventually end.
> I know little about low level programming. So not sure if I can write this 
> kind of code.

That program is not safe.  There is a race condition between writing
to rerr in the goroutine and reading rerr in the deferred function.  I
would expect that the race detector would report a problem with this
program (https://golang.org/doc/articles/race_detector.html).

Use a channel.


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