Thanks for these responses.

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 22:06:38 UTC+1, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Jakob Borg <> wrote: 
> > 2013/8/6 Ian Lance Taylor <>: 
> >> It is designed that way because we want to permit setting a new key in 
> >> a map to grow the hash table if necessary, moving the map around in 
> >> memory.  That means that the language can not permit taking the 
> >> address of an entry in a map--if it could, it would not be possible to 
> >> move a map in memory. 
> > 
> > How come append to a slice doesn't ever need to move the contents in 
> > order to grow the slice? 
> When append needs to move the contents, it gives you a slice that 
> refers to a new backing store.  The old backing store still exists and 
> pointers to it are still valid.  And a program could even reasonable 
> use it. 
> This does mean that whether a function like this prints 2 or 100 
> depends on the details of the implementation of append. 
> func main() { 
>         a := append([]int{}, 1, 2, 3) 
>         a = append(a, 4) 
>         p := &a[1] 
>         a = append(a, 5, 6, 7) 
>         a[1] = 100 
>         fmt.Println(*p) 
> } 
> Ian 

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