On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 1:49 PM Max <massimiliano.ghila...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's not just a matter of gofmt: the "implicit semicolon" rule of Go syntax 
> is triggered at the end of this line
> ```
> if Variable1 == true
> ```
> causing it to be parsed as
> ```
> if Variable1 == true;
> ```
> Any operator in the following line arrives too late to change that.
> So to implement what you propose, Go syntax rules would need to be changed.
> While they are not set in stone, the added convenience of your new syntax
> is probably too small to justify a language change (just my opinion - feel 
> free
> to propose such a change to Go developers)

I doubt we would change the semicolon insertion rule at this point in
time.  But if you do want to propose a change, make sure that the new
rule is unambiguous and is purely lexical.  The rule that Go uses was
based on poor experiences with the way that Javascript handles
semicolon insertion.


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