On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 12:37 PM <pierspowlesl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I used pprof to get an overview of where time is being spent in my latest 
> project and I'm
> getting a result I don't understand. When using the web view, there are 
> certain function
> calls that are taking up a large percentage of the time but they appear 
> un-rooted as in
> there seems to be no parent call calling them.
> I have attached a picture of the web view showing just the un-rooted 
> functions.
> I generated the profile with the following command.
> go test -cpuprofile cpu.prof -count 4 . -run MyTest
> and I viewed the profile with the following command.
> go tool pprof -http :9999 cpu.prof
> I'd really like to track down what is causing all this time in the time 
> package, but I'm
> at a bit of a loss.

Which version of Go and which GOOS/GOARCH?  There have been bugs in
this area in the past, and at least some of them are fixed in 1.13.


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