On Mon Sep 23, 2019 at 5:50 PM joe mcguckin wrote:
> In ListenAndServe, I see that it calls (*Server).Serve(ln), then 'go 
> c.serve(ctx)' 
> I can't find a function named 'serve'. Where is this?

On line 1760 of the same file, server.go.

> Does HTTP manage a pool of coroutines or does it create one for every 
> incoming HTTP request.

A new goroutine is created to handle each connection from the listener.

> It's clear where the first request gets handled
> but where do subsequent requests get handled?

Subsequent requests get handled in the same manner. Note that `go
c.serve(ctx)` is in a loop which blocks waiting for a new connection
(with `l.Accept()`). Once the goroutine has been dispatched to handle
the request, the main goroutine returns to waiting for the next request.

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