This is something I ran into a while back, and made a library for it, 
though, I prefer not to spam the mailing list.  Feel free to send me a dm 
and I'll send you a github link if you are interested.

On Sunday, September 1, 2019 at 3:02:52 AM UTC-7, T L wrote:
> On Sunday, September 1, 2019 at 4:35:10 AM UTC-4, rog wrote:
>> On Sat, 31 Aug 2019 at 10:02, T L <> wrote:
>>> On Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 4:04:29 AM UTC-4, T L wrote:
>>>> On Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 2:32:26 AM UTC-4, rog wrote:
>>>>> The reason you're wanting priority select is because you are shutting 
>>>>> down the data channel preemptively, but you can wait for an 
>>>>> acknowledgement 
>>>>> from the run goroutine instead:
>>>> Your solution is clever. The Close method can be called multiple time 
>>>> safely.
>>>> Is there such a beautiful solution for multiple senders?
>>> Translating a multi-senders problem to a single sender problem is the 
>>> only way I can get:
>> The answer really depends on what you're actually trying to do. What are 
>> the multiple senders? What's the actual problem you're trying to solve?
>> I'd fairly sure you'll be able do what you want without requiring a 
>> prioritised select, which is what this thread was about.
>>   cheers,
>>     rog.
> Yes, there are ways to handle the problem of uncertain number of senders, 
> but there are no simple ways.
> A mechanism must be designed to avoid any sender writing to a closed 
> channel.
>>>>> On Wed, 28 Aug 2019 at 18:06, T L <> wrote:
>>>>>> The old thread: 
>>>>>> Go channels are flexible, but in practice, I often encountered some 
>>>>>> situations in which channel are hard to use.
>>>>>> Given an example:
>>>>>> import "math/rand"
>>>>>> type Producer struct {
>>>>>>     data   chan int
>>>>>>     closed chan struct{}
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func NewProducer() *Producer {
>>>>>>     p := &Producer {
>>>>>>         data:   make(chan int),
>>>>>>         closed: make(chan struct{}),
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     go
>>>>>>     return p
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func (p *Produce) Stream() chan int {
>>>>>>     return
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func (p *Producer) run() {
>>>>>>     for {
>>>>>>         // If non-blocking cases are selected by their appearance 
>>>>>> order,
>>>>>>         // then the following slect block is a perfect use.
>>>>>>         select {
>>>>>>         case(0) <-p.closed: return
>>>>>>         case <- rand.Int():
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func (p *Produce) Clsoe() {
>>>>>>     close(p.closed)
>>>>>>     close(
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func main() {
>>>>>>     p := NewProducer()
>>>>>>     for n := p.Stream() {
>>>>>>         // use n ...
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> If the first case in the select block in the above example has a 
>>>>>> higher priority than the second one,
>>>>>> then coding will be much happier for the use cases like the above one.
>>>>>> In short, the above use case requires:
>>>>>> * for receivers, data streaming end is notified by the close of a 
>>>>>> channel.
>>>>>> * for senders, data will never be sent to closed channel.
>>>>>> But, as Go 1 doesn't support priority select cases, it is much 
>>>>>> tedious to implement the code
>>>>>> satisfying the above listed requirements. The final implementation is 
>>>>>> often very ugly and inefficient.
>>>>>> Does anyone else also experience the pain?
>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> .
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