George Hartzell writes:
 > Quick summary, I'm trying to understand the Go structures that cgo
 > gives me, how they map back onto the C structures and why a Go struct
 > that doesn't quite match the cgo output seems to work anyway.
 > [...]

Ian gave me a lot of good things to chew on, but didn't answer the
main question about why the different versions of the `i2c_msg` struct
definition all seem to work.

For those of you who've been sitting on the edges of your seats
awaiting the answer...

It turns out that my assumption, that the `buf` pointer's alignment
requirements end up inserting padding automagically, seems to be true.

I convinced myself of this using the `structlayout` tools from

Starting with this input file:

package main

// #include <linux/i2c.h>
import "C"

// This is what `cgo -godefs` generates
type ViaGoDefs struct {
        addr  uint16
        flags uint16
        len   uint16
        buf   *uint8

// This is what @tetsu-koba used
type FromTetsu struct {
        addr      uint16
        flags     uint16
        len       uint16
        __padding uint16
        buf       uintptr

// This is the result of using cgo as Ian suggested
type ViaCGo C.struct_i2c_msg

you can see that all of the structs have the same shape:

pi@raspberrypi:~/temper/go/structures $ structlayout -json structures ViaGoDefs 
| structlayout-pretty
  0 |        | <- ViaGoDefs.addr uint16 (size 2, align 2)
  2 |        | <- ViaGoDefs.flags uint16 (size 2, align 2)
  4 |        | <- ViaGoDefs.len uint16 (size 2, align 2)
  6 |        | <- padding (size 2, align 0)
  8 |        | <- ViaGoDefs.buf *uint8 (size 4, align 4)
 11 |        |
pi@raspberrypi:~/temper/go/structures $ structlayout -json structures FromTetsu 
| structlayout-pretty
  0 |        | <- FromTetsu.addr uint16 (size 2, align 2)
  2 |        | <- FromTetsu.flags uint16 (size 2, align 2)
  4 |        | <- FromTetsu.len uint16 (size 2, align 2)
  6 |        | <- FromTetsu.__padding uint16 (size 2, align 2)
  8 |        | <- FromTetsu.buf uintptr (size 4, align 4)
 11 |        |
pi@raspberrypi:~/temper/go/structures $ structlayout -json structures ViaCGo | 
  0 |        | <- ViaCGo.addr structures._Ctype_ushort (size 2, align 2)
  2 |        | <- ViaCGo.flags structures._Ctype_ushort (size 2, align 2)
  4 |        | <- ViaCGo.len structures._Ctype_ushort (size 2, align 2)
  6 |        | <- padding (size 2, align 0)
  8 |        | <- ViaCGo.buf *structures._Ctype_uchar (size 4, align 4)
 11 |        |
pi@raspberrypi:~/temper/go/structures $



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