On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 10:05:06 PM UTC-4, robert engels wrote:
> Here is a version using RWLock https://play.golang.org/p/YOwuYFiqtlf

Doesn't the Read method need to be guarded by the reader lock?


> It won’t run correctly in the playground because it terminates when all 
> routines are asleep - which happens during the test (not sure why it does 
> this, as sleeping is different than a deadlock).
> It is probably less efficient, and less orderly than the other example 
> using WaitGroup but you get the idea I hope. It forcibly terminates the 
> writers before they complete by design.
> On Aug 28, 2019, at 4:09 PM, Michel Levieux <m.le...@capitaldata.fr 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> One should also be careful regarding the conceptual demands he or she is 
> making.
> Having a shared resource (that is complex enough that it cannot be 
> atomically accessed or modified) means essentially that "having multiple 
> writers being transparent to the readers", fundamentally, is not possible.
> From the moment itself when such a resource is shared, there must be some 
> sort of mecanism (that one using resources atomically usable) that ensures 
> the integrity of it.
> Maybe what you're talking about is having it transparent in terms of code, 
> in which case we both agree, but if you're looking for something 
> transparent in essence, as in performance, logical construction and all the 
> rest, I think there is a misunderstanding here: even if it was added in the 
> language, there would be many many things going on under the hood, as it is 
> already (and cannot really be otherwise) for channel use alone.
> As for the priority using selects, I think it's more of something to be 
> dealt with on the "user-side". There are many kinds of priority in general, 
> and trying to implement something in the language itself would IMO either 
> be too specific compared to the nessecary time to do so or it would 
> probably have a huge overhead on the "classical' use case of the select 
> construct.
> + the fact that it is apparently already possible using RWMutexes.
> Le mer. 28 août 2019 à 22:37, Marcin Romaszewicz <mar...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> a écrit :
>> Think of a channel as existing for the lifetime of a particular data 
>> stream, and not have it be associated with either producer or consumer. 
>> Here's an example:
>> https://play.golang.org/p/aEAXXtz2X1g
>> The channel here is closed after all producers have exited, and all 
>> consumers continue to run until the channel is drained of data.
>> The producers are managed by something somewhere in your code - and that 
>> is the scope at which it makes sense to create channel ownership. I've used 
>> a waitgroup to ensure that the channel is closed after all producers exit, 
>> but you can use whatever barrier construct you want.
>> Even if you must have a channel per producer, you can safely close the 
>> producer side, without notifying the downstream about this. The example 
>> early in the thread uses multiple channels, with one channel being used to 
>> signal that the producers should exit. Channels aren't really the right 
>> model for this, you want a thread safe flag of some sort. For example:
>> var exitFlag uint64
>> func producer(chan data int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
>>     defer wg.Done()
>>     for {
>>         shouldExit := atomic.LoadUint64(&exitFlag)
>>         if shouldExit == 1 {
>>              return
>>         }
>>         chan <- rand.Intn(100)
>>     }
>> }
>> Here's 10 producers and 3 consumers sharing a channel and closing it 
>> safely upon receiving an exit flag:
>> https://play.golang.org/p/RiKi1PGVSvF
>> -- Marcin
>> On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 11:29 AM Leo Lara <l...@leopoldolara.com 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> I do not think priority select is *necessary*, it could be a nice 
>>> addition if the performance does not change.
>>> On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 8:27:36 PM UTC+2, Leo Lara wrote:
>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>> From the article: """To bound more the problem, in my case, you control 
>>>> the writers but not the readers"""
>>>> So what I was trying to do was to be able to close, with mutiple 
>>>> writers, while being transparent for the readers. The readers only need to 
>>>> read as usual form the channel.
>>>> For example, if you want to write a library where the user just reads 
>>>> from a channel, this is an approach I found where the user of the lirbary 
>>>> deos nto have to do anything special. Of course, there might be another 
>>>> solution, but if you need to modify the reader we are talking about a 
>>>> different problem.
>>>> Cheers!!
>>>> On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 7:17:24 PM UTC+2, Robert Engels wrote:
>>>>> A better solution is to wrap the writes using a RWLock, grab the read 
>>>>> lock for writing, and the Write lock for closing. Pretty simple.
>>>>> Just encapsulate it all in a MultiWriterChannel struct - generics 
>>>>> would help here :)
>>>>> -----Original Message----- 
>>>>> From: Leo Lara 
>>>>> Sent: Aug 28, 2019 11:24 AM 
>>>>> To: golang-nuts 
>>>>> Subject: [go-nuts] Re: An old problem: lack of priority select cases 
>>>>> This is connected with my article: 
>>>>> https://dev.to/leolara/closing-a-go-channel-written-by-several-goroutines-52j2
>>>>> I think there I show it is possible to workaround that limitation 
>>>>> using standard Go tools. Of course, the code would be simple with 
>>>>> priority 
>>>>> select, but also perhaps select would become less efficient.
>>>>> On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 6:06:33 PM UTC+2, T L wrote:
>>>>>> The old thread: 
>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/ZrVIhHCrR9o
>>>>>> Go channels are flexible, but in practice, I often encountered some 
>>>>>> situations in which channel are hard to use.
>>>>>> Given an example:
>>>>>> import "math/rand"
>>>>>> type Producer struct {
>>>>>>     data   chan int
>>>>>>     closed chan struct{}
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func NewProducer() *Producer {
>>>>>>     p := &Producer {
>>>>>>         data:   make(chan int),
>>>>>>         closed: make(chan struct{}),
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>     go p.run()
>>>>>>     return p
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func (p *Produce) Stream() chan int {
>>>>>>     return p.data
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func (p *Producer) run() {
>>>>>>     for {
>>>>>>         // If non-blocking cases are selected by their appearance 
>>>>>> order,
>>>>>>         // then the following slect block is a perfect use.
>>>>>>         select {
>>>>>>         case(0) <-p.closed: return
>>>>>>         case p.data <- rand.Int():
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func (p *Produce) Clsoe() {
>>>>>>     close(p.closed)
>>>>>>     close(p.data)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func main() {
>>>>>>     p := NewProducer()
>>>>>>     for n := p.Stream() {
>>>>>>         // use n ...
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> If the first case in the select block in the above example has a 
>>>>>> higher priority than the second one,
>>>>>> then coding will be much happier for the use cases like the above one.
>>>>>> In short, the above use case requires:
>>>>>> * for receivers, data streaming end is notified by the close of a 
>>>>>> channel.
>>>>>> * for senders, data will never be sent to closed channel.
>>>>>> But, as Go 1 doesn't support priority select cases, it is much 
>>>>>> tedious to implement the code
>>>>>> satisfying the above listed requirements. The final implementation is 
>>>>>> often very ugly and inefficient.
>>>>>> Does anyone else also experience the pain?
>>>>> -- 
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