Somewhere in your code producing the text you seem to escape the
the escape sequence for the newline character.

"\n" is a string with the escape sequence for the newline character '\n'
"\\n" is a string with escaped slash and a lowercase n '\\' 'n'

Again, without seeing the code we can only guess. Here is another one:
Go has raw string literals using back-ticks `like this` those literals
do not use escape sequences (`\n` == "\\n" && `\\` == "\\\\"). Could it
be, that you accidentally used those raw string literals in the producer
code with the newline escape sequence that is not supported?

On 28.08.19 12:32, Durga Someswararao G wrote:

Manually I tried but here my concern is shall I get the reason, Why that was happening like that?
I am trying to debug strings.Replace is not working.


On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 3:52 PM Michel Levieux < <>> wrote:


    Isn't it that from the other side, you escape the string, or call a
    method that does it before sending it via tcp? That would explain
    that all the "\n" become "\\n".

    Le mer. 28 août 2019 à 12:17, Durga Someswararao G
    <>> a écrit :

        Hi Tamás,

        But even in other side also I am using golang to convert string
        into bytes. Using tcp connection with net package I am getting
        data from other process.

        When I try to replace string with \\n it was working fine.

        Like below:
        processoutput = strings.Replace("<CustomTag>String 1\n String

        On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 3:26 PM Tamás Gulácsi
        < <>> wrote:

            That means that other process speaks some other encoding,
            not utf-8, which the strings package waits.
            <> to convert to utf-8.

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