Thank you. The explanation really makes sense. I think I should modify the 
source code of etcd, or change to another project that is not so hackful. 

On Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 10:55:39 PM UTC+8, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 6:50 AM Yuan Ting < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > Thank you for your fix. I have some curious about the difference between 
> the main Go compiler and gollvm. I read gollvm's readme and know that the 
> main difference comes from the efficiency of GC. Is the other difference 
> causes the symbol undefined reference as you mentioned above? Or some bugs 
> (or library version skew) that will be fixed in the future. 
> The gc toolchain has a different assembler that does not use the same 
> syntax as standard assembler for a platform 
> (  GoLLVM uses the standard assembler for 
> whatever platform it is being used on.  So Go packages that use 
> assembler code, like, have to use different code to 
> support gc and GoLLVM.  That is part of your problem.  (That code does 
> exist in current versions of; the build above is 
> showing an older version of the package; it's quite possible that 
> current versions would work). 
> The gc toolchain has a special approach for unifying type descriptors 
> that uses a runtime-specific symbol runtime.typelinks.  GoLLVM does 
> not have that symbol.  I don't know what 
> is, but it seems to be using unsafe mechanisms to reach into the 
> runtime to examine that symbol.  That won't work with GoLLVM.  The 
> reflect package in general is closely tied to the compiler, so it's 
> possible that whatever modern-go/reflect2 is, it will not work with 
> GoLLVM. 
> Ian 

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