> Does anyone have any sample code which shows interoperability between Go's 
> golang.org/x/crypto/nacl/box and C's NaCl or libsodium? I have been having 
> trouble boxing with Go and opening with NaCl (and vice versa). I have used 
> NaCl from C a lot, but the Go NaCl packages are new to me. I am a little 
> unclear as to whether the Go routines are compatible with crypto_box_open 
> or libsodium's crypto_box_open_easy, for example.

After some experimentation, I found that the Go implementation is
indeed compatible with libsodium's "easy" API rather than DJB's original
NaCl API. I submitted an issue ticket requesting clarification in the


With some interest, I could probably write up a proposal and submit a
merge request. For now, my issue describes what I found, and it provides
example programs in Go and C.



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