As sad as it sounds, inside of me I agree on "it is all moot anyway", 
but... Aren't we allowed to at least freely day-dream anyway :) ? 

I was thinking about it over weekend, and came with these "rules", but I 
need help on these for sure

   1. If expression ends with ? (like func()?) , then it works as return in 
   "if a, err := func(); err != nil { return a, err }"
   2. If it is in the middle of expression ...
   1. without error handled
      val := func()?.somethingElse().member
      then it just expanded to a 
      val := (type(member))nil
      if tmp, err := func(); tmp == nil || err != nil {
          val = tmp.somethingElse().member
      just saving the embarrassment of nil pointer dereference.
      2. with an error on the left side
      val, err := func()?.somethingElse()
      then it is expanded to 
      val := (type(somethingElse())nil
      var err error
      if tmp, err := func(); if err == nil && tmp != nil {
          val, err = tmp.somethingElse()
      3. If error manipulation required - use a regular "if err != nil { 
   return _, wrap(err, "bad thing happen") }   

I am probably overthinking it at this point (and it is way past bedtime), 
but maybe it might make sense to have 2 different constructs - one for 
nil-guard "?" and one for "check for nil AND error", thus becoming "??" 
With that logic above, the following should make some sense

type Mood interface {
    avoided() Mood
    passed() (Mood, error)

func getMood() (Mood, error) {...}

func usage1() (Mood, error) {
   return getMood()??.passed()

func usage2() error {
   return getMood()??.passed()

func usage3() interface{} {
    return getMood()?.avoided()

func usage4() (interface{}, error) {
    mood := getMood()??   /// will short-circuit if getMood() returns an 
    return mood?.passed() // guard for mood == nil; but will return no 
error in that case either since it will be nil


On Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at 12:10:20 AM UTC-6, Liam wrote:
> Erm, what expression besides a function call would yield an error only 
> sometimes? I suppose channel receive, but is that a useful case?
> It's all moot anyway.
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2019, 10:42 PM Andrey Tcherepanov < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Thanks Liam,
>> your suggested placement would make it somehow impossible (or at least I 
>> cannot see it right now) to use with someExpression?.someMember
>> If I am not mistaken, yours is close to the currently proposed "try", 
>> just replacing it with ?, am I right on that ?
>> A.
>> On Monday, July 1, 2019 at 2:49:09 AM UTC-6, Liam wrote:
>>> I've noted in several places that a 'try' expression (via keyword, 
>>> built-in, or symbol) is suitable only when the function is expected to 
>>> always succeed, and so would panic on error.
>>> Also the symbol, which I agree is preferable, works best this way 
>>> will?(always?(work?())) vs will(always(work()?)?)?
>>> On Saturday, June 29, 2019 at 4:05:44 PM UTC-7, Michael Jones wrote:
>>>> My personal thought, though it may seem strange, is that the best 
>>>> argument for it lies in the single word sentence at the bottom of your 
>>>> email. You write "Thoughts?" -- and that is very expressive in English in 
>>>> just the way that you mean above in your examples. I don't know enough 
>>>> other languages to really know if the parallels are universal, but it's 
>>>> pretty clear to me what it means why "file?.close()" and 
>>>> "os.Open(filename)?" are "punctuated" as they are -- where the question 
>>>> is. 
>>>> I feel like you're asking this compiler, "is there anything about this 
>>>> value that you need to tell me?" I like that.
>>>> The long (crazy long!) discussion of error handling has among its many 
>>>> branches an analysis from the Go team about '?' and this kind of postfix 
>>>> interrogation. I'm watching it all with a bit of wonder, but I wanted to 
>>>> speak up and say how your human-language phrasing matches your idea of 
>>>> computer-language phrasing. That seems a powerful kind of naturalness to 
>>>> take advantage of in this issue and future ones.
>>>> On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 2:56 PM Andrey Tcherepanov <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello mighty fighters of errors!
>>>>> Here comes my half-thought idea of another way to express error 
>>>>> handling:
>>>>> *Add a postfix '?' that checks value for **emptiness (nil, 0, "") **AND 
>>>>> an error for nil. *
>>>>> (Denis have shred it to pieces already in 
>>>>> Thank you Denis.)
>>>>> I am not good with expressing my inner talk, so there are couple 
>>>>> examples
>>>>> original , Go 1 function
>>>>> func stat(filename string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
>>>>> var info os.FileInfo
>>>>> {
>>>>> var a1 *os.File
>>>>> if a1, err := os.Open(filename); err != nil || a1 == nil {
>>>>> return _, err
>>>>> }
>>>>> var a2 os.FileInfo
>>>>> if a2, err := a1.Stat(); err != nil || a2 == nil {
>>>>> return _, err
>>>>> }
>>>>> info = a2
>>>>> }
>>>>>         return info, nil
>>>>> }
>>>>> And with "?", trying to avoid original try() proposal handle leak
>>>>> // would return _, err, but since there is no err in signature, will 
>>>>> return default value in case of error
>>>>> // uses ? on func call that returns (value, error)
>>>>> func stat2(filename string) (os.FileInfo) {
>>>>>      file := os.Open(filename)? 
>>>>>      defer file.Close()
>>>>>      return file.Stat()?
>>>>> }
>>>>> // would return error too, uses ? as "not nil" on a variable too
>>>>> func stat3(filename string) (_ os.FileInfo, err error) {
>>>>>      var file *os.File
>>>>>      defer file?.Close()
>>>>>      file := os.Open(filename)?
>>>>>      return file.Stat()
>>>>> }
>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>> -- 
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>>>> -- 
>>>> *Michael T.*
>>> -- 
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