On Saturday, June 29, 2019 at 1:44:01 AM UTC+1, Tyler Compton wrote:
> ... I was surprised to see how poorly the discussion has gone. There are 
> quite a few "me too" comments, a few image-only posts, some less than 
> stellar personal conduct, and overall not a lot of nuanced discussion. I 
> feel that perhaps these kinds of anti-proposals should be discouraged 
> because they're inherently reactionary, which seems to get the discussion 
> off on the wrong foot.

I agree with you. Maybe that's not what the author intended, but to me that 
anti-proposal feels like a giant middle finger to everyone - myself 
included - who feels unhappy with the current state of Go error handling. I 
think the quality of that discussion really just reflects its 
non-constructive nature.

At risk of stating the obvious, I think we're being badly bitten by the 
bikeshed effect here; the subject under discussion is relatively easy to 
grasp, and so we get a litany of both counter-proposals (which has even 
happened before - see proposal: Go 2: simplify error handling with || err 
suffix <https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21161>) and zealously-held 

I also must say that I feel dismayed by how negative the tone of the 
conversation around the `try` proposal has been. I would certainly not 
expect everyone to like it as much as I do, but some people seem frightened 
or affronted by it far beyond what I'd consider reasonable.

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