Agree that it was not an apples to apples comparison. So please check
out my 2nd blog:

> thanks to Axel Wagner, who replaced the net/http.Server layer with direct 
> translation of Perl code, the code is now reading and writing directly to a 
> socket, just as what the Perl code is doing.

@Budi, links to my Go code are available in both of my posts.

On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 8:08 PM Ivan Bertona wrote:
> Looking a the two code samples I wouldn't say this is an apples to apples 
> comparison... The Perl script seems to be a simple single-threaded loop that 
> understands a tiny subset of HTTP vs. a fully-fledged (and secure) web server 
> from the Go standard library. I would definitely not run that Perl script in 
> production, even if it was for a simple project. My bet is that if you 
> actually port the Perl script to a Go program that does more or less the same 
> thing you'll see more or less the same performance (because the example is 
> fundamentally I/O-bound).
> Best,
> Ivan
> On Friday, June 7, 2019 at 9:36:49 AM UTC-4, Tong Sun wrote:
>> I had always believed that the web projects build with Go should be much 
>> faster than Perl, since Go is a compiled language.
>> However that belief was crushed brutally last night, when I did a comparison 
>> -- the Go implementation is 8 times worse than the Perl! -- the mean 
>> response time jumped from 6ms to 48ms.
>> I know this is the simplest possible web server, but still, when it comes to 
>> simple web servers like this, I have to say that Perl performs much better 
>> than Go.
>> I don't think there is much I can twist on the Go side, since it can't be 
>> more simpler than that. However, I also believe it won't hurt to ask and 
>> confirm. So,
>> Have I missed anything? Is it possible for me to make my Go implementation 
>> anywhere near the Perl's performance?
>> Thanks
> --
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