* Nitish Saboo <nitish.sabo...@gmail.com> [190508 05:48]:

Please remove me from the CC on this thread; I am subscribed to the
list.  I explicitly set Reply-To, which was not respected, and now I am
getting duplicates of every mail, with one copy in my personal mail and
one copy in my list mail folder.  In general, it is a very good
assumption that someone posting to the list, unless he/she explicitly says
otherwise, is subscribed to the list and does not need an explicit CC.
In some cases, like for me, not only is this not needed, but it is an
unwanted distraction.

I intend to, but have not yet had time, reply to Nitish Saboo with some
questions that will help him provide the right information so that we
may give him some more help.  It may be several days before I can do so.

Thank you...Marvin

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