It could be due to some anti-virus scanner deleting files.
Here is the relevant issue :

On Monday, 29 April 2019 22:02:33 UTC-7, Avetis Sargsian wrote:
> I set GOTMPDIR to E:\temp folder
> and here is the result 
> PS F:\GoWorckspace\src\hello> go install
> open E:\temp\go-build447177998\b001\exe\a.out.exe: The system cannot find 
> the file specified.
> PS F:\GoWorckspace\src\hello> go build
> open E:\temp\go-build140959642\b001\exe\a.out.exe: The system cannot find 
> the file specified. 
> PS F:\GoWorckspace\src\hello> go run hello.go
> open E:\temp\go-build609689226\b001\exe\hello.exe: The system cannot find 
> the file specified.

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