Marvin Renich,

"I would interpret the phrase," "I think the phrase," and "I prefer" are 
your personal interpretation, thoughts, and preference. Go prefers standard 
interpretations: US words, spelling, grammar, and dictionaries. For example,

Definition of preceding
: existing, coming, or occurring immediately before in time or place
// preceding paragraphs

The Go Programming Language Specification
Constant declarations

"Within a parenthesized const declaration list the expression list may be 
omitted from any but the first ConstSpec. Such an empty list is equivalent 
to the textual substitution of the first preceding non-empty expression 
list and its type if any. Omitting the list of expressions is therefore 
equivalent to repeating the previous list." 

Using the Merriam-Webster definition, the meaning seems reasonably clear. 
For standardization and clarity, I would prefer that 'first preceding' be 
"immediately preceding."

Google Search

immediately+preceding: About 6,000,000 results"immediately+preceding";

first+preceding: About 52,000 results"first+preceding";

Google Books Ngram Viewer

immediately+preceding: 0.0000995521%

first+preceding: 0.0000004863%

last+preceding: 0.0000041926%

most+recent+preceding: 0.0000001958%


On Monday, April 15, 2019 at 12:28:08 PM UTC-4, Marvin Renich wrote:
> At where it talks 
> about omitting the expression list, it says 
>   Such an empty list is equivalent to the textual substitution of the 
>   first preceding non-empty expression list and its type if any. 
> In the declaration 
> const ( 
>     One = iota 
>     Two = 2 
>     Three 
> ) 
> I would interpret the phrase "first preceding" in the spec as meaning "= 
> iota", when it is really means "= 2".  Both "= iota" and "= 2" are 
> preceding non-empty expressions, and "= iota" is the first.  I think the 
> phrase should be changed to "most recent preceding" or "last preceding" 
> (I prefer "most recent"). 
> ...Marvin 

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