Thanks for the tip! I've subscribed to your github issue as well. 
Hopefully, it will be implemented in 1.13, as I feel that this is a pretty 
common usecase.

On Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 12:06:13 PM UTC+11, 
> Hi Francis,
> To ask that your direct dependencies be upgraded to their latest available 
> versions, you can do the following in Go 1.11 or 1.12:
>   go get $(go list -f '{{if not (or .Main .Indirect)}}{{.Path}}{{end}}' -m 
> all)
> Your indirect dependencies will be updated as needed according to the 
> requirements of your direct dependencies.
> There is a proposal to make that easier here, along with some related 
> discussion:
> Regards,
> thepudds
> On Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 7:43:18 PM UTC-5, Francis Chuang wrote:
>> I have dependencies (direct and some indirect) listed in my go.mod file. 
>> This was initially populated using `go ./...` after creating the go.mod 
>> using `go mod init`.
>> I now want to upgrade the dependencies and the indirect dependencies in 
>> the go.mod file to their latest versions.
>> If I run `go get -u`, it pulls in the latest versions of the dependencies 
>> as well as all the dependencies for running their tests on all platforms. 
>> In effect, my go.mod file has more then tripled in size. 
>> Is there any way to update my direct (and some required indirect) 
>> dependencies required just to build my project in go.mod?

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