Often times I don't need all the elaborate machinery and verbosity of 

For simple things like stopping a goroutine, I usually use a slight 
elaboration on closing a channel. 

This is a pattern I call "idempotent close".  I've wrapped it up in a little 
library called "idem". Here is an illustration:

a) the main state struct for the goroutine always has a member called Halt.

import "github.com/glycerine/idem"

type GoroutineState struct {
  Halt *idem.Halter

func NewGoroutineState() *GoroutineState {
    return &GoroutineState {
        Halt: idem.NewHalter(),

b) The state machine for the goroutine is typically launched from a Start() 
function; it checks for shutdown with

func (g *GoroutineState) Start() {
   go func() {
      for {
           select {
                case <- g.Halt.ReqStop.Chan:
                case... // the rest of the state machine logic

c) Any number of clients can then safely shutdown the goroutine g:

<- g.Halt.Done.Chan // optional, but use this if you need to know g is done

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