
I guess the problem is the range over the input.
if you have utf8 runes > 1byte in your input,
you are not iterating with over each byte anymore.
the i is the index of a encoded rune the string., right?

Sent from my iPhone

> On 19. Jan 2019, at 13:53, Soorya Prakash <sooryaprakash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using the below code to encrypt and decrypt the data. Now I want to 
> encrypt the data from Node JS and want to decrypt the data from Go lang. But 
> I am not able to achieve it using GO lang.
> var B64XorCipher = {
>   encode: function(key, data) {
>     return new Buffer(xorStrings(key, data),'utf8').toString('base64');
>   },
>   decode: function(key, data) {
>     data = new Buffer(data,'base64').toString('utf8');
>     return xorStrings(key, data);
>   }
> };
> function xorStrings(key,input){
>   var output='';
>   for(var i=0;i<input.length;i++){
>     var c = input.charCodeAt(i);
>     var k = key.charCodeAt(i%key.length);
>     output += String.fromCharCode(c ^ k);
>   }
>   return output;
> }
> From go I am trying to decode like below I am not able to achieve it.
> bytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(actualInput)
> encryptedText := string(bytes)
> fmt.Println(EncryptDecrypt(encryptedText, "XXXXXX"))
> func EncryptDecrypt(input, key string) (output string) {
>     for i := range input {
>         output += string(input[i] ^ key[i%len(key)])
>     }
>     return output
> }
> Can someone help me to resolve it.
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